Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday August 13. Weight 190.0

I must be somewhat comfortable with my weight or I would put a stronger effort into losing, don't you think? Is it my lack of desire? My inability to muster enough energy? Depression? Why? I have had a tough day and food was very bad today. Eating and thinking about eating distracts me from everything I don't want to think about because I can't fix it. I'm not making excuses, it is a complete abuse of food.
I guess I should write down what's bugging me and take the wind out of its sails. I've told my kids that time and time again. Now I need to take my own advice. I will spend more time tomorrow on the list of what's bugging me. I better move to the downstairs computer so I can type faster. This iPad is handy but a pain for typing. Until tomorrow.......

1 comment:

  1. I am reading just on my iPad and it's a pain to type much. Yes write out your feelings it does help.
